Norden |
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On a hill above the obscure but charming lakeside town of Nyon are two and a half Roman pillars, the sole remnants of a temple -- or something else, as not a word of explanation or even guidance to the site was provided. I used to live near here, in a tiny village called Borex-Soleil, and I used to visit Nyon with my parents almost every weekend. It's been over 10 years since my last visit, so my memories are hazy, but I can still remember the playground there, feeding ducks over here, buying ice cream over there... ahh, nostalgique!
It's a beautiful if somewhat hazy day at Lac Léman, and I have nothing (as in "work") to do all day, except chug around by local trains (for free!) and visit old, vaguely familiar places. I'm staying right in the center of Geneva at the place of some friends of mine, all working at CERN. Sometime during the weekend I'll set off over the Alps and towards Italy and Malta... but what's the rush?
Oh, is it tough to be an Interrailer -- forced to eat steaks with fresh mushroom sauce and wash them down with mugs of German beer. (Total cost 16.20 CHF, so sue me. It's still less than my Danish grocery bill.) Next stop: Lausanne!
When the merely pathologically bizarre just isn't enough...Dateline: Friday 18.6.1999 17:01 Location: Chez les CERNistes, Geneva, Switzerland
I managed to keep doing nothing in Lausanne, wandering around aimlessly along the shore and getting my feet wet in the ultra-spiffy wading pool. I did manage to toast myself a bit in the process, but not at all badly, and even a bit of a tan before Malta is a good idea...
Woo! I just found the best record store in the universe ("Frequence Laser" [huh?], located on the Rhône itself above the tourist info center, right in the center of town), which stocks an amazing range of music and lets you listen to them all!! And I found Kodô's brand-new techno album remix album Sai-Sô, which is absolutely amazing! And there's a free "Love Island" street party tomorrow! I love this town!!!
One of those little inexplicable episodes: I was walking alongside the Rhône, on my way to the apartment. A beautiful model-type woman was walking in the opposite direction (not at all an unusual occurrence in Geneva, as the wealth concentrated here also draws hordes of pretty young things -- especially if you happen to run into a fashion shoot as happened to Arto & me). At any rate, as I was walking, I looked at her; not stared, just looked, the way you look at any passerby. She looked back and, without breaking stride, flatly stated: "Cherche." I'm positive that she said it and that it was addressed to me, but what on earth was the French imperative command form "Look (for)", without an object, supposed to mean? Unsolved mysteries...
...and yeah, I probably should have had more confidence in my pidgin French and asked out that cute clerk in the record store who also liked Kodô. Grumble.
Erhmm! Anyway! I spent an interesting morning at CERN, getting my weekly net fix for free and visiting the "Microcosm" museum, which shows how 1 billion CHF per year are spent on building 23-km-long tubes used for detecting subatomic particles in the weird world of quantum physics. I knew that CERN was "big", but I only started to realize the scale of "big" after walking some 1.5 km across fields densely covered with laboratories and almost getting halfway through one of CERN's two "campuses".
I've always had a bit of a dislike for French (both the language and the people), largely due to being force-fed 9 years of it in school. Somewhat to my own surprise, my stay here has done quite a bit to dispel this. As it's been some 4 years since I last even studied French and over 10 years since I last lived in (this) Francophone country, while I have "basic" French implanted deep in my head, my vocabulary has atrophied and my mannerisms have become overlaid by other languages. Particularly annoying are my near-automatic substitutions of Spanish y for et ("and") and, worse yet, Japanese hai for oui ("yes"). But I did have plenty of practice today, thanks to Geneva's brand new and amazingly stupid public transport system. To use transport, you must buy your tickets beforehand from machines installed at each stop: notes not accepted, no change returned and no possibility of prebuying multiple tickets, as each ticket is valid for 60 minutes and timestamped as you buy it! On the way back from CERN, I only had a 10 franc note, so I ask the driver what to do: he looks in his own wallet, no luck; asks some other passengers, no luck; and then tells me to hop on board and ask people as they board! Which I do, as just about everybody replies with a variation of "Sorry, no, but the same happened to me yesterday..." Eventually, I did find a person with the required 7.80 CHF in change and I bought my tickets, jumping out of the bus to do so (since the driver doesn't sell tickets!). Brilliant, eh?
But this monstrosity was inaugurated only a few weeks ago and I expect it'll be fixed soon enough. In all, Geneva is astounding: notonly does everything work and all places are clean, like in sterile Scandinavia, but again there's that vibrance, a feeling of humanity! Little touches here and there, like at any park: dozens of benches (which are not made uncomfortable on purpose to prevent bums from sleeping there), drinking water fountains, ornate flower installations and even the occasional wading pool... comfort for body and soul. A cosmopolitan population with social problems, gobs of cultural events, an active nightlife...
...no wonder everything costs so much and immigration is only an option for millionaires.
Body movin' A body movin' body movin' we B body movin'-- Beasties Boys, "Body Moving"Dateline: Saturday 19.6.1999 14:06 Location: Ilê Rousseau, Geneva, Switzerland
Turns out there's a music festival this weekend, tens of venues scattered around the city playing everything from Albanian folk music to progressive rock -- and of course that includes a number of techno events! Two of them are right in the middle of the city, with "Love Island" at Ilê Rousseau and an anonymous one in front of the combined building of the tourist office (!) and the local energy company's headquarters: "Les énergies de Genève" indeed! They're playing damned good stuff too, although at 2 PM the crowd is pretty thing and nobody is dancing... yet. Still, I think it's time to forge on and take the 16:18 train to Milano -- I'll be looping through here again on my way back and quite possibly during Phase KYU as well. Not that there isn't plenty left to do (for one thing, I just realized that almost all of Geneva's many museums are entirely free!). And there's Lac Léman, the Alps, the Jura mountains... I can't even recall the last time I was so loathe to leave a place. (Oh yes I can -- Japan. Sniff.)
Norden |
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